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IP6 Health is the patented combination of one molecule of inositol and one molecule of IP6. Therefore, IP6 Health has twice as many molecules of inositol than pure IP6 has on its own. The two molecules combined complement each other’s actions and are more potent as a team, as IP6 Health.
Bone Health:
Rich in the bone building nutrients; calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Recent research indicates that this largely unknown nutrient may be the secret to healthy bones.Immune Function:
Shown to enhance immune function (for which a US patent was awarded) by boosting the activity of natural killer cells and maintaining normal cell growth.
Kidney Health:
Studies have shown that IP6 may reduce calcium in the urine and inhibit calcium oxalate crystal formation.
Heart Health:
IP6 has been shown to support normal cholesterol levels.
IP6 offers maximum results by providing both intracellular and extracellular antioxidant protection to neutralize potential threats.
Dating back to the early 1960s, it was discovered that the black population of South Africa had a 90% lower risk of colon cancer than the white population. However, this was only the case for the first generation of black city dwellers and not blacks that had lived in the cities for several generations. What was unique about this first generation living in the city? Researchers discovered that the new city inhabitants often continued to eat a traditional rural diet, which consisted primarily of corn or maize- approx. 600 grams a day. Researchers reasoned that because corn is rich in fiber, that the fiber was preventing the colon cancer. This study provided “proof”, or so they thought about the benefit of fiber and helped to lay the foundation for the hypothesis that dietary fiber was the protector of the colon.
In the 1970s however there was conflicting research. The Finnish people consumed half as much fiber as the Danes, yet their colon cancer incidence was half that of the people of Denmark. Obviously, there were flaws with the fiber protecting the colon hypothesis. Then in the 1980s researchers questioned whether it was the IP6 or phytate in the Finnish diet that was protecting them. The Finnish people were consuming a lot more breakfast cereals, which are high in IP6 and as a result the Finns were getting 20 to 30% more IP6 than the Danes, despite eating half as much fiber as the Danes.
When it comes to IP6 content there is a great deal of variance between fiber sources. Incidentally the IP6 percentage is very high in South African maize, as it is approx. 6% by weight. South African blacks were in fact consuming over 40 grams of IP6 daily. Was it the fiber in the corn or the IP6 in the corn that was protecting them?
Dr. A.K. Shamsuddin, a Professor of pathology who specialized in colon cancer at the University of Maryland decided to investigate the Finnish paradox. Professor Shamsuddin, who is on the “Who’s Who” list of American Inventors for inventing a screening test for colon cancer, fed IP6 in varying doses to rats and then sped up their rate of cell division. The result was clearly dose dependant; the more IP6, the fewer the tumors. Because inositol and IP6 occur naturally in all of our cells, researchers reasoned that these nutrients would impact several areas of our health. For the last 2 decades scientists, many of whom are internationally recognized, have been uncovering the many benefits.
IP6 Health is a supplement containing both inositol and IP6 (Calcium/Magnesium hexaphosphate). It is made from rice bran. Inositol is a B vitamin and is also the “I” in IP6. There is debate as to whether IP6 should also be considered our newest vitamin, but at this time it has not been officially designated as a vitamin.
This natural antioxidant is a very safe food-based supplement. However, there are two main instances when one should exercise caution and discontinue or lower the dosage. The first is with pregnancy, as it has not been tested specifically with expectant mothers. The second is with patients who are on blood thinners or are expecting to have an operation. This supplement has an inhibitory effect on our platelets, which under normal circumstances is considered a benefit. Please see the IP6 Health Safety page for more info.
No, it exists in both plant and animal cells, but the confusion arises because the highest concentrations are found in fiber, especially insoluble fiber. In fact, IP6 is found in many places, including the soil and in all of our own cells.
To get levels high enough to influence our health we rely on plant sources, legumes and grains predominantly. Corn happens to have the highest levels. However, as a supplement, IP6 is often extracted from the bran of rice, which is removed when brown rice is polished and converted into white rice. The reality is that by eating white rice one is missing out on the health benefits of IP6. The amount of IP6 in common food sources: Barley: 1.0% Rice: 2.2% Beans: 2.5% Sesame: 5.3% Corn: 0 to 6.4% Soy: 0.1 0.1 to 1.8% Oats: 0.8% Sunflower Seeds: 1.9% Peanuts: 1.9% Wheat: .1 to 4.8% Peas: 0.9%
For every 1000 milligrams of IP6 Health, there are approximately 152 milligrams of calcium and 47 milligrams of magnesium. As a rule of thumb, you can say that IP6 is 15% calcium and 5% magnesium.
No, if anything IP6 Health provides far more calcium and magnesium than it can remove. When we consume IP6 it has calcium and magnesium bound to it. Even at conservative estimates, the supplement would supply at least 33 times more calcium and magnesium than it can remove, via its natural chelating effect. This is because on average only 1 to 3% of IP6 is excreted via the kidneys, which is a means by which minerals are lost. In other words, with IP6 we are taking in at least 33 times more calcium than we can lose in the urine. As further proof of IP6’s safety as relates to calcium, new early-stage research indicates that the higher the IP6 dietary consumption, the stronger the bones. This certainly would not be the case if IP6 led to lost or depleted calcium levels.
Inositol is as a B vitamin, but oddly enough an RDA has never been established. Inositol is the “I” in IP6 and provides the structure for the IP6 molecule. Having the small basic structure the two molecules are very closely related and have been shown to complement each other’s health benefits.
There is debate as to whether IP6 should also be considered a vitamin. Vitamins are a group of substances that help regulate metabolism and are essential for normal cellular function, growth and development. With the exception of vitamin D, the body does not manufacture or synthesize vitamins. Because we do not make vitamins they must be supplied via the diet or in modern times via dietary supplements. A compound is considered a vitamin if a deficiency disease results when the levels of that vitamin in the diet are inadequate. IP6 is essential for normal functioning. A lack of IP6 in the diet results in overt symptoms of deficiency. IP6 is similar to vitamin D in that the body does, in fact, produce some. Vitamin D is produced providing we get sun exposure. However low levels of sun exposure can result in vitamin D deficiency. Similarly, a diet low in IP6 results in a deficiency. Should IP6 be classified as a vitamin just as vitamin D is? Perhaps, but more importantly, it should be recognized as necessary for optimal health, as the body does not produce a satisfactory amount without a food source.
IP6 is a rather strange name for a supplement. It sounds more like software or a model of a six-cylinder car. IP6 may have become the common term because inositol hexakiphosphate was too much of a mouthful for most people. Years ago IP6 was often referred to as phytate, which ironically when it was discovered in the 1800s, was thought of as an “anti-nutrient”. There are in fact several types of IP6, as various minerals can be bound to the molecule, such as sodium, iron, calcium and magnesium etc. IP6 Health contains calcium and magnesium. In nature IP6 is normally found with calcium and magnesium; how interesting that it occurs naturally in its most beneficial form.
They are combined because the two molecules are similar and complement each other’s functions. The combination of the two has been shown to provide a more powerful immune response than either molecule alone and is the reason a US patent was awarded. In addition, the molecule inositol triphosphate or IP3 is known to promote and regulate healthy cell growth and division. By combining inositol with IP6, we are potentially doubling the IP3 content.
For a healthy adult 3 to 4 capsules is a typical recommended dosage. The bottle of 240 caps will, therefore, last for 60 to 80 days at this dosage. Up to 8.8 grams or approx 14 capsules of IP6 were used safely for 2 years with no reported side effects. Up to 50 grams or 50,000 milligrams daily of straight inositol did not produce any unwanted effects. The question becomes; can one take more than 8.8 grams safely? The answer is uncertain because this hasn’t been evaluated clinically. Please see the IP6 Health Safety page for more details.
Either is fine, the difference between the two scenarios would be the amount absorbed. On an empty stomach, you can expect a slightly higher absorbency rate.
Other ingredients: Hypromellose (derived from cellulose) capsule, LeucineAdult Dosage: Take 2 capsules twice per day or as directed by a health professional. This product is free from artificial flavors and preservatives, and from corn, dairy, gluten, lactose, soy, sugar and yeast. Tamper resistant. Do not use if seal is broken. If pregnant or nursing, ask a doctor before use. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. This product was manufactured in a pharmaceutical – level GMP facility. Purity and Potency Guaranteed.
IP6 Health…the highest purity and potency available! There are multiple benefits of IP6 and Inositol. There are literally thousands of medical research papers on both IP6 and inositol.
Immune Support:
IP6 and inositol play a key role in our immune system and in fact are patented for enhancing our immune function. Please see the IP6 Immune support page
Bone Health:
IP6 Health is rich in the bone building nutrients; calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Recent research indicates that this largely unknown nutrient may be the secret to healthy bones.
Immune Function:
IP6 Health has been shown to enhance immune function (for which a US patent was awarded) by boosting the activity of natural killer cells and maintaining normal cell growth. *
Kidney Health:
Studies have shown that IP6 may reduce calcium in the urine and inhibit calcium oxalate crystal formation.
Heart Health:
IP6 has been shown to support normal cholesterol levels.
Potent Antioxidant:
IP6 is one of nature’s most potent nutritional antioxidants.IP6 Health is the patented combination of one molecule of inositol and one molecule of IP6. Therefore, IP6 Health has twice as many molecules of insositol than pure IP6 has on its own. As the “little brother” of IP6, inositol is not as potent as IP6. However, the two molecules complement each other’s actions and are more potent as a team. With the research reported by NBC, it begs the question, “What would the potential be of the more powerful, yet safe, combination of IP6 and inositol?”
Inositol Safety:
Inositol safety was mentioned in the video. A few other inositol safety facts worth mentioning are; 1st: Inositol is a B vitamin. 2nd: Inositol is considered to pose no health risks and is normally added to infant formulas, which very much illustrates inositol's safety and importance nutritionally. Being safe and with so many potential health benefits it is hard to argue against IP6 supplementation. Instead of asking why take IP6, it is more a question of why wouldn’t a person want to take IP6?
What Everyone Should Know
Today many people have heard of antioxidants. Most don’t really understand the term, but they generally know that they’re good for them.
Antioxidants have frequented media headlines, as they can play a role in the prevention of so many conditions, especially those associated with aging. In fact, in addition to a strategy to limit inflammation, anti-aging programs typically include antioxidants.
What are antioxidants?
So, what are antioxidants and how do they protect us? To illustrate antioxidant activity, one can simply think of an apple that’s been sliced in half. Normally, due to the oxidants in the air, the exposed part of the apple would turn brown quickly. However, if one were to squeeze lemon juice on the flesh of the apple immediately after slicing, the apple would take longer to turn color. In this case the lemon juice contains antioxidants, which are able to protect the apple’s flesh.
Electron Donors
To understand the concept of oxidants and antioxidants it helps to have some basic understanding of cells, atoms and electrons. Basically, an oxidant is an atom or molecule that is short of an electron and attempts to acquire it from another molecule, which in the case of our bodies, often happens at our cell linings or membranes. When an oxidant successfully “steals” an electron from a molecule lining our cells, this then sets up a chain reaction. The molecule that gave up the electron to the oxidant in turn tries to get one back from a neighboring molecule in the same cell membrane. Once initiated, this process repeats itself over and over and as a
result, the cell lining can become slightly weaker or damaged. The impact of this process ultimately “ages” our cells, not allowing them to function optimally. This sounds serious, but in reality, it is an ongoing natural process, with oxidants “attacking” our cells in search of an electron and at the same time antioxidants providing the electron in order to minimize the damage. Antioxidants can simply be thought of as “electron donors”.
To demonstrate how significant antioxidants are to anti-aging programs, one needs only to look at the lifespan of a chimpanzee. Scientists have speculated that the reason chimps live approximately half as long as humans, despite having very similar physiology and genetics, is that the antioxidant mechanisms of a chimp are not nearly as effective, resulting in faster aging and therefore earlier death. There are many types of oxidants, which therefore results in several different antioxidants needed to maintain a healthful balance. Vitamin C and E are perhaps our most commonly used antioxidant nutrients. There are several supporting interactions between these nutrients.
Rainbow Diet
When we eat a healthful diet with lots of veggies and fruit, we are consuming several antioxidants. A simple key to ensure that we get a broad spectrum of protection is to eat a “rainbow” diet. Often the foods with the highest concentration of antioxidants occur in the colored or highly pigmented fruits and veggies.
There are hundreds of carotenoids that function as antioxidants, with lycopene and lutein presently enjoying popularity as single supplements. The carotenoids, of which beta-carotene is perhaps the best known, are derived from the “warm” colored foods: yellow, orange and red. In plants carotenoids are interesting in terms of cancer prevention, as they protect plants from the radiation resulting from extended exposure to the sun’s rays.
Another group of very potent antioxidants are called flavonoids. Plants and flowers often derive their color from these substances. Flavonoids are also responsible for many of the medicinal properties of plants. Some of the most commonly used flavonoid-rich herbs include ginkgo, bilberry, green tea and grapeseed extract. A very interesting thing about many flavonoids is that they often seem to be tissue specific. For example, bilberry supports the eyes primarily, gingko and grapeseed the blood vessels and milk thistle the liver.
IP6 vs Green Tea
As a famed antioxidant, green tea has been extensively studied for its anti-cancer affects. The Japanese have one of the longest life expectancies and many attributes their longevity to the regular consumption of green tea. Researchers Challa et al, published results in the journal Carcinogenesis (1997), in which they investigated the effects of green tea versus IP6. The investigators wanted to know which nutrient was better able to prevent digestive disorders and whether there was a synergistic effect when green tea and IP6 were used together. There results showed that green tea had a marginal effect, whereas IP6 had a much more pronounced effect. Researchers also showed a very strong enhanced or synergistic effect of the IP6 and green tea together.
12 Available Electrons
You can see in the first picture, how the calcium and magnesium are bound to phosphorus (P) in the IP6 molecule with a double bond. The double bond implies that two electrons are being shared. In the second picture the calcium and magnesium having been removed from the IP6 molecule and these minerals can now be used by the body. Now there are twelve oxygen (O-) with an extra electron. The twelve extra electrons can now be used to neutralize various types of oxidants. As a supplement, when we consume IP6 it’s usually bound to minerals such as sodium, iron or calcium and magnesium. In the case of Cal Mag IP6 (the type used in IP6 Health), the molecule is bound to 6 of the double positively charged calcium or magnesium atoms. After absorption, the body removes and uses the calcium and magnesium atoms. We are then left with an IP6 molecule that has 12 extra electrons that it can give up and ultimately use to defuse oxidizing agents. This means that in many cases, each IP6 molecule can neutralize up to a dozen oxidants. No wonder this simple rice extract is one of our most potent antioxidants.
Intracellular & Extracellular Protection
IP6 is in all of our tissues and inside all of our cells. It can therefore provide both intracellular (inside the cell) and extracellular (outside the cell) systemic protection. In addition, research is now indicating that inositol also provides some antioxidant activity as well.
In a single generation the awareness and acceptance of antioxidant protection has risen from that of a seldom used medical term to that of a common everyday expression. I expect antioxidants to gain even more prominence due to their ever-increasing use in anti-aging formulas. Because there are so many types of oxidizing agents, for comprehensive protection we need a broad spectrum of antioxidants. Fortunately, by eating a rainbow selection of fruits and vegetables we can achieve most of our antioxidant requirements. Additionally, IP6 and inositol provides extra intracellular and extracellular protection.
We have several types of white blood or immune cells that work continuously, interacting to support each other and relaying information as to impending danger. When one type of white blood cell is unable to defuse a situation, there are usually others there to help out. We are constantly being challenged by viruses, bacteria, fungus, allergens and cancer cells etc. For example, it has been estimated that on average we produce five hundred to a thousand cancer cells a day as a result of our trillions of healthy cells undergoing the process of normal cell division. Yet most of the time we don’t get cancer. Why? Our immune system recognizes these cells as a potential threat and destroys them. The vast majority of the time the immune system is so efficient that we don’t even realize that our health is at risk. Usually it’s only when we get a cold or a flu that we realize a battle is on.
NK — Natural Killer Cells
The NK cells are white blood cells that have two primary roles- They target cells that have changed and become cancerous as well as virally infected cells. Viruses are certainly one of our greatest immune challenges, as there are a countless number of them and they often mutate, thereby presenting new threats. It has been scientifically shown that IP6 combined with inositol boosts our immunity, by enhancing the activity of natural killer or NK cells. Click here to see United States patent #5,082,833 by Professor A. K. Shamsuddin.
Interleukin 6 or IL6
Interleukin 6 has been in the news a lot recently in relation to cytokine “storms” which can result in tissue damage, when increased levels of IL6 are seen. A number of research papers have been published in which the authors raised the concept that both IP6 and inositol, which are the 2 ingredients in IP6 Health, may limit high levels of interleukin 6 in cytokine storms. ... see the research section to view some of these published papers.
Dr. Paul Eggleton of Oxford University demonstrated that IP6 may also help in our battles with bacteria. Our primary defense against bacteria is provided by a white blood cell called a neutrophil. Neutrophils damage and destroy bacteria by oxidizing them. Dr. Eggleton was able to prove that IP6 increased the number of oxidizing agents within neutrophils, thereby improving their ability to protect us. It is ironic, but wonderful, that on one hand IP6 is one of our strongest antioxidants, yet it boosts our bacterial immune response by increasing the oxidative abilities of neutrophils.
When Does One Need Immune Support?
A number of things can impair our immune response. Excess stress of all types can wreak havoc with our defenses. Poor lifestyle, such as a lot of late nights or irregular eating habits can also lessen our immunity. When our immune function is compromised, for whatever reason, we should be considering extra support.
Is there a catch? With so many benefits is it just too good to be true? I expect that many of you reading this are asking that very question. I would and I have!
I posed this question when I was part of the team that introduced glucosamine and several other botanical medicines. I question all my patients as to how they’re doing and any possible side effects, even when prescribed what are considered the safest of natural medicines.
If I didn’t constantly question safety, I wouldn’t be doing my job. I am very pleased to tell you that as far as I can tell, inositol and Calcium/Magnesium IP6 (hereafter simply referred to as IP6) is a very safe product. A clinical setting is not the best place to test safety, but it is a good situation in which to screen for strange reactions, none of which I have yet to see.
Safety testing is best left to regulatory bodies as they consider evidence on a broad scale. Inositol is the “I” in IP6 and therefore the molecule from which IP6 is made. Inositol has been granted the GRAS status, which means it is Generally Regarded As Safe and is perhaps your greatest assurance of safety.
So many physicians consider medication for their patients using a benefit versus risk analysis, as they have come to expect that there is a down side to almost any medication.
This is simply because most drugs are new molecules and as such the body perceives them as foreign or toxic, which then leads to side effects. I would guess that most physicians would have trouble even conceiving of a medication that only produced positive results.
To make that leap many physicians would have to think of this molecule as a nutrient providing calcium, magnesium and inositol. However, IP6 and inositol are much more, due largely to the fact that the phosphorylated inositols are necessary for communication within our cells. In addition, the shape of the molecule enables it to function as both a chelator and potent antioxidant.
GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe)
As inositol and the phosphorylated inositols (IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4, IP5, IP6) are necessary and present in our blood, within all our cells and in several food sources, it’s easy to see how a GRAS designation was achieved.
The safety issue is really one of dose. How much can one take or how much should one take? These are the real questions. With the typical dosages of 1 or 2 grams daily, there is really very little need to be concerned.
Dosage becomes a concern when a patient has a very poor prognosis and wants to take as much as possible. This is a tough call. We know from a Harvard study researching kidney stones that took place more than 40 years ago, that a dose of 8.8 grams daily in divided doses resulted in no side effects or problems for patients taking the medicine for up to 2 years.
Can we give more safely? I don’t really know, but suspect based on statistics that showed that South African blacks receive up to 40.8 grams of IP6 daily when consuming 680 grams of corn, that yes, perhaps we can go higher. However, there is an important distinction to keep in mind when comparing a food versus a supplement source of IP6. As a supplement the absorption is much higher, especially if taken between meals.
The Finnish people offer further evidence as to safety. According to Weisburger et al., 1993: “The Finnish people …… because of a high cereal insoluble fiber intake, and these populations do not display any signs of mineral or vitamin deficiencies leading to abnormal growth and development”. To appreciate the importance of the above observation, one needs only to realize that “a high cereal insoluble fiber intake” implies a large amount of IP6 is being consumed.
IP6 and Bones
The most consistent concern that I hear, is a fear that the molecule could potentially cause osteoporosis because of its mineral binding or chelating properties.
This fortunately need not be a concern and in fact the opposite should be the case, if one is using the correct form of IP6 and Inositol.
The IP6 Health brand is bound to 6 atoms of calcium and magnesium, whereas IP6 can be bound to iron or sodium etc. In essence rather than deplete calcium, the right IP6 will deliver a substantial amount of calcium and magnesium.
And new research published in Dec 2008 suggests that IP6 consumption is one of the most, if not the most important nutrient for bone health. The research showed that the higher the IP6 or phytate consumption, the higher the bone density.
To further put the bone density issue to rest, one only needs to realize what happens to IP6 once ingested. The majority of the molecule is actually broken down to carbon dioxide (CO2) and expired out the lungs.
When exchanged as a gas there is no way for the metabolized or broken-down molecule to bind minerals. An elaborate study was conducted to investigate IP6 breakdown and helped to establish this very point.
Researchers painstakingly grafted radioactive carbon14 (C14) into young wheat plants as part of inositol molecules, which the wheat then converted to C14 containing IP6. Then the radioactive IP6 was given to rats as part of their food.
Being radioactive the researchers were now able to trace the IP6 movement within the rats. They found that over half of the absorbed IP6 left via the lungs as CO2. At the same time the researchers varied the calcium in the rat’s diet. Amazingly the lower the calcium in the diet the more IP6 was absorbed, as if bodies instinctively know what to do.
Binding of minerals does take place, as evidenced by the ability of IP6 to influence calcium oxalate kidney stone formation. However, only a very small percentage (some estimates are 1 to 3%) actually exits via the kidneys.
Even if we assume that the higher or 3% of IP6 leaves via the kidneys, it works out that for every 33 atoms of calcium or magnesium brought into the body by IP6, only one can be removed by being bound and taken out via the urine. In other words, at the very least, the molecule brings in 33 times as much calcium and magnesium as it can take out.
One needs to keep in mind that in addition to leaving via the lungs or exiting via the kidneys that in fact, much of the IP6 is taken up and used by our cells.
IP6 is Ingested and Injected in Diagnostic Imaging
In terms of acute toxicity, the use of IP6 in several diagnostic imaging techniques provides further evidence as to its safety. There is little chance these techniques would allow IP6 to be ingested or injected if it was not found to be safe. In use for over 30 years, IP6 is now used extensively around the planet in diagnostic radiology.
IP6 is bound to various molecules such as Technetium 99, helping them to travel to various organs such as the spleen or liver.
I have found little reason to be concerned about toxicity or side effects from IP6 at normal daily dosages of 1 or 2 grams, but I am cautious of its use in two primary instances. The first is with pregnancy.
Many drugs are not tested on pregnant women just in case a problem occurs, because if problems do occur, the lawsuits could be enormous. The result is that physicians often have to use their clinical judgment when it comes to prescribing during pregnancy.
When it comes to IP6, even though most women receive some in their diets, the fact is that IP6 has not been tested as a supplement during pregnancy. As an example, rather than use IP6 in supplemental form during her pregnancy, I encouraged my wife to eat IP6 containing foods such as corn.
The other instance in which I typically have patients discontinue or reduce their IP6 intake is when they are on blood thinners or are scheduled for surgery. IP6 does not “thin the blood” per se, but instead inhibits platelet aggregation or “stickiness” so that less clotting occurs in the blood vessels.
This is normally a desired effect, since it is believed that decreased platelet aggregation can help to prevent heart disease. However, in the case of a surgery, one must be careful to avoid anything that can cause excess bleeding.
Inositol is “I” in IP6 and is often referred to as the “mother” of IP6. It also provides the base structure for the IP6 molecule.
They are combined together in the IP6 Health formula, as they have been proven in a number of research studies to complement and augment each other’s effects. The Physicians’ Desk Reference Family Guide to Nutrition and Health (1995) says that inositol has not been found to be toxic at any dosage level. Michael Lesser, M.D. has stated that: “as much as 50grams (50.000milligrams) has been taken by mouth with no ill effect.”
These research articles are presented for informational purposes only and are not intended as an endorsement of any product. The information is not intended to be a substitute for visits to your healthcare practitioner. Rather, the articles offer the reader information written by researchers concerning health and products that have shown results.
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